M400 RS232 Serial Data

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

M400 RS232 Serial Data

Postby obnauticus on Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:34 pm

I am currently trying to capture serial data from the RS232 UART of the M400 and am running into a few issues with the data I am getting. According to the information I've received from MoTeC (i.e., the Data set 3 protocol specification) I am using the correct settings (unless I misread something it's supposed to be 19200 8N1 or 38K4 8N1); however, the data I am getting from my ECU does not look correct (it does not match the data set 3 or CRC32 protocol specification).

I am wondering what I am doing wrong. I am thinking that I may have not set the proper data set for the RS232 output on my ECU (as detailed in setp 1.3 of this document: http://www.aim-sportline.com/download/e ... 00_eng.pdf ). However, I can not find any documentation on the internet about configuring and using the M400's RS232 interface.

Samples of the data I have captured are attached (check the readme.txt file for descriptions of the files in the archive). I am fairly certain that 19200 is the correct baud rate, because the other rate (38400) did not look remotely close to anything useful; however, samples taken at both rates are included in the attachment anyway.

RS232 protocol information:
Set 3 data protcol: http://www.file-pasta.com/d/2019/PSAU0015%20MoTeC%20M800%20Set%203%20Data%20Protocol.pdf
CRC32 Data protocol: http://www.file-pasta.com/d/2078/PSAU0005%20CRC32%20Data%20Protocol%20%281%29.pdf

Thanks in advance,
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Re: M400 RS232 Serial Data

Postby obnauticus on Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:45 am


My suspicions were confirmed; The data set needed to be switched (the data attached above was for Pi Research's data set). The sample data may have not even been at the correct baud/symbol rate.

MoTeC's data sheet (M4 User Manual) does not seem to match the M4's data set 3 (or any other set for that matter). If anyone is trying to capture this sort of data in the future you should try and use Data Set 5 instead. Documentation for this is also available as a MoTeC product specification sheet and can be found here:

MoTeC Product Specification Austrailia (PSAU) 0007 (i.e., MoTeC PSAU0007):

https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid= ... k&hl=en_US

This works for the MoTeC M4, it has not been tested with the M400; however, I am sure it will work.


Another issue I ran into can be found with MoTeC's documentation regarding the DB9 (serial) connection for the M4. The only wires which are necessary are DTR (Data Terminal Ready, Pin4), RxD, and TxD.

The correct configuration which allows users to use the MoTeC Engine Management Software to configure the ECU is following configuration. Unlike the documentation states, all 8 wires are not necessary to get serial communications to function (in my experience). I have discovered a total of two different working configurations which are listed below.

Works for using Engine Management Software (EMP V6.20D):
MoTeC M4 Harness <-> Male DB9 Connector
Pin 21 (TxD) <-> Pin 2 (RxD)
Pin 22 (RxD) <-> Pin 3 (TxD)
Pin 23 (DTR) <-> Pin 5 (GND)

Works for some sort of (undocumented) data out only mode:
MoTeC M4 Harness <-> Male DB9 Connector
Pin 21 (TxD) <-> Pin 2 (RxD)
Pin 22 (RxD) <-> Pin 3 (TxD)
Pin 11 (GND) <-> Pin 5 (GND)

If you have a MoTeC DB9 cable the following colors correspond to their respective pins on the MoTeC female DB9 connector.

Orange: Pin 5 (GND)
Green: Pin 2 (RxD)
Brown: Pin 3 (TxD)

*Please Note: The MoTeC harness includes a cable which has a total of three pins. This makes the 8-pin configuration referenced online in the following documentation possibly invalid/inaccurate (at least for modern computers):

Page 57:
http://www.motec.com/filedownload.php/M ... docid=1086

However, this documentation *is* valid:
http://www.motec.com/filedownload.php/a ... docid=1206

I assume similar wiring works above for the M400 as well.
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Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:54 am

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