I am currently trying to capture serial data from the RS232 UART of the M400 and am running into a few issues with the data I am getting. According to the information I've received from MoTeC (i.e., the Data set 3 protocol specification) I am using the correct settings (unless I misread something it's supposed to be 19200 8N1 or 38K4 8N1); however, the data I am getting from my ECU does not look correct (it does not match the data set 3 or CRC32 protocol specification).
I am wondering what I am doing wrong. I am thinking that I may have not set the proper data set for the RS232 output on my ECU (as detailed in setp 1.3 of this document: http://www.aim-sportline.com/download/e ... 00_eng.pdf ). However, I can not find any documentation on the internet about configuring and using the M400's RS232 interface.
Samples of the data I have captured are attached (check the readme.txt file for descriptions of the files in the archive). I am fairly certain that 19200 is the correct baud rate, because the other rate (38400) did not look remotely close to anything useful; however, samples taken at both rates are included in the attachment anyway.
RS232 protocol information:
Set 3 data protcol: http://www.file-pasta.com/d/2019/PSAU0015%20MoTeC%20M800%20Set%203%20Data%20Protocol.pdf
CRC32 Data protocol: http://www.file-pasta.com/d/2078/PSAU0005%20CRC32%20Data%20Protocol%20%281%29.pdf
Thanks in advance,