Aim mxl and M800

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Aim mxl and M800

Postby sphilips on Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:45 am

Is it possible to use the gps from the aim mxl with the m800 software? Trough the can bus system?

Anybody has a startingfile for the honda cbr600f sport 2001 and the cbr1000rr 2010?
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Re: Aim mxl and M800

Postby Holmz on Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:17 pm

sphilips wrote:Is it possible to use the gps from the aim mxl with the m800 software? Trough the can bus system?

If there is, then it is with a STC (Serial to CAN). The standard NEMA messages get gobbled up by things that read CAN like the ADL or ACL.

But does the M800 ingest CAN? or just transmit CAN?
I think a PLM gets ingested by an m800 so maybe it does ingest some CAN...
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Re: Aim mxl and M800

Postby Arve Flaat on Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:40 am


I have checked with AIM about the CAN. Their CAN is only Receive, not transmit.
You have too wire the GPS too the M800 and send the info too the MXL, or use a SDL3.

Arve Flaat
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Re: Aim mxl and M800

Postby sphilips on Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:57 am

Arve Flaat wrote:Hi

I have checked with AIM about the CAN. Their CAN is only Receive, not transmit.
You have too wire the GPS too the M800 and send the info too the MXL, or use a SDL3.


How can I connect the gps from the mxl to both the m800 and mxl?
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Re: Aim mxl and M800

Postby Arve Flaat on Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:39 am


There is a new webinar on how too connect a GPS too M800. Watch it!
I believe the AIM GPS can bee tapped an also used on the M800, but I don't know the settings.
The easiest is probably too by a GPS 18x5hz receiver an connect it too the M800. :D

Arve Flaat
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Re: Aim mxl and M800

Postby Holmz on Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:48 am

sphilips wrote:
Arve Flaat wrote:Hi

I have checked with AIM about the CAN. Their CAN is only Receive, not transmit.
You have too wire the GPS too the M800 and send the info too the MXL, or use a SDL3.


How can I connect the gps from the mxl to both the m800 and mxl?

If the AIM receives and the m800 receives, then you put the GPS onto CAN via an STC, and the make sure the m800 and the AIM both are looking at the CAN right address for the GPS.
You probably need to find out from AIM what address they need to look at, or how to change it...
Same for the M800.

If they both receive then they can both be on the same CAN receiving.
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