Testing Nissan Ignition Module

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Testing Nissan Ignition Module

Postby damienkennedy on Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:22 pm


I am trying to run a Nissan 22020 50F01 s13 Ignition Module on our M400 running a gsxr600.
Its wired up as:
power to coils
coils to one side of ignition module
then signal to ecu and ground from the other side of ignition module.

I tested the outputs last week and all plugs fired, now today there is nothing. Power is getting to coils. Is there a way to test the module unit on its own? Or could some of my settings in the ignition setup have damaged the ignition module? The only tests done was the 'test outputs' and all worked and then we tried to fire up today and nothing so I dont think it was turning long enough to burn something out

Heres my settings on the m400

Any ideas?

ignition setup.JPG
ignition setup.JPG (152.36 KiB) Viewed 7986 times
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Re: Testing Nissan Ignition Module

Postby JamieA on Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:04 pm

do you have your ignition module attached to a heat sink? many ign modules will fail if left running in free air.

Using the M800 Ignition test is the best way to check. You should be able to put a scope on the output of the ECU IGN output, and run the test mode, and check what is coming out.

you chould then check the output of the module.

I would guess a dead module, but just a guess based on the info that you have supplied.


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Re: Testing Nissan Ignition Module

Postby Chris Wilson on Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:49 pm

I don't know if this helps but when I put an M800 on my RB26 Skyline engine I found the Nissan ignition module very sensitive to dwell, and under track heat, and heat soak conditions I suffered 2 new module failures until I reduced the dwell time. I then found a weak spark was causing the odd miss at peak torque, under full boost. Given the huge cost of these modules I tore the thing out, (which Nissan saw fit to mount on top of the engine, between the cams, a very hot place indeed....), and fit two, 3 channel Bosch modules, on a big heat sink on the inner wing, on the intake side of the engine. I can now run the best dwell and have had zero issues, plus they were less than a third of the price of a Nissan module, including connectors, and cabling. Maybe other Nissan modules are a bit frail, what dwell do you run, and do Motec suggest a recommended figure from their research?
Chris Wilson
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