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Bizarre data logs from my M800

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:24 pm
by Chris Wilson
Engine is twin turbo RB26DETT Nissan in a RWD Skyline track car, and at the venue these logs came from appeared to be running fine, as normal. But when I reviewed the logs at home later the inlet air temps show up to over 800 degrees, which is obviously wrong (I hope.... ;)), and T/Pot openings of 800% plus. Other logged data is also odd, like massive ECU battery volts, et cetera. Something is awry, but never having seen a log like this I don't know what, can someone take a look and advise please? Thanks. and I used Interpreter I2 Standard to view it.

Re: Bizarre data logs from my M800

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:35 pm
by Sean
Wow :o :shock: Bad earth, alternator/regulator failing?

Re: Bizarre data logs from my M800

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:30 pm
by Chris Wilson
I also sent the datalogs to Dave Rowe, a Motec trained independent here in the UK, and he replied it was due to me having more than one map in the M800, and differing data log set ups for the two maps. I am not quite sure what he means, to be honest, although this started after I altered some parameters of one of the maps. If he is here in the UK, and not working away I will try and contact him for clarification, but maybe this will ring s bell for someone here? Thanks.

Re: Bizarre data logs from my M800

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 5:52 pm
by JamieA
I havent looked at this in detail, nor have I tested this, but assuming that it is possible to be set up that way, Dave Rowe wouldbe correct that different log setups would cause a problem. heres how.

you have a log setup with this in map 1, then log some data

if you swap to map 2 without a download, to this.


When you download, the logging from map 1 would have AT and OT around the wrong way.

Normally you would be blocked from doing this by being forced to clear the logging during this change of settings, but this cannot be done in an on the fly map swap.

Set your logging settings to be the same in all swapable maps to avoid this issue.


Re: Bizarre data logs from my M800

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:34 pm
by Chris Wilson
Thanks Jamie, I set both logging set ups the same for both maps and the issue appears resolved. Is this considered a bug or a feature? ;)