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4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:39 am
by TurboMiles
M600 wired for sequential 4 cylinder. I have 2 inj and 2 ign drivers left and I want to use these remaining drivers for another 4 injectors. My problem is I am not sure how to set it up.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:12 am
by Arve Flaat

If You need 8 inj. you muts have a M800


Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 9:19 am
by TurboMiles
why muts i have an M800? I have 4 additional drivers! Also found on the M600 pdf......High/Low Injection (Staged Injection) has opt 3 next to it which means Advanced fucntions according to the legend.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 10:33 am
by MarkMc
Hi/Lo injection is a function on all of our Hundred series ECU but it is written to be sequential if the main injection is sequential, e.g. if you have a four cylinder sequential you need four more injector outputs. You cannot have half sequential and half group fired. All of our ECUs work this way.

So for an M600 sequential Hi/Lo injection you can only do up to three cylinders like a 20B rotary.

For a four cylinder the only option on an M600 would be to run it as group fired (two injector outputs) and then you can do Hi/Lo.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:43 am
by TurboMiles
I want to buy an option similar to the M800's 10/12 cylinder option that will allow me to use ignition drivers to drive my injectors. The drivers are there and your telling me I can't use them. All the expanders and extra modules Motec sells and I have no options to get sequential hi/lo injection?

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:40 pm
by MarkMc
The ECU is made like this and always has been. As we would tell anyone you need to discuss your plans with a dealer before you make a purchase.

The M600 only has 6 injector outputs and none of the injector or ignition outputs can be reassigned. If you want to do high/low injection on a four cylinder engine and have it sequential then you have bought the wrong ECU I'm afraid.

There are no options like the M800 10-12 cylinder upgrade, as our data sheet will confirm.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 11:34 pm
by TurboMiles
I did discuss my plans with an authorized dealer 4 years ago. The plan was to run gasoline, but that has changed. I had to get 2225cc injectors to keep up with my setup at 35psi and redline. My problem is I can't idle above .75 lambda. I would take your advise and batch fire my injectors but I need individual cylinder trim.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:26 pm
by MarkMc
Well unfortunately you need an M800 if you want it to be sequential.

Why can't you idle any leaner than 0.75? Can you send me your configuration file? What injectors are they?

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 2:13 am
by TurboMiles
was supposed to be .85.....the injector can't pulse short enough to get it any leaner. If I put smaller number in my main table the injector won't pulse.

Re: 4cyl staged injection

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:30 am
by stevieturbo
Cant he just wire the additional 4 injectors over 2 outputs and batch fire them ?

Surely at higher rpm when the secondarys come online, batch or sequential wont be that important

Or flip it about and run small injectors batch fired at low rpm, then bring the big sequential injectors online at higher loads ?