My previous engine was mapped with Fuel being set by TPS and ignition by MAP. On my new engine, which the previous Map was used as a base, the Tuner decided to use MAP for fuel as well.
I noticed that he did not remove the MAP Fuel Comp. from the previous set-up and I now think I am double scaling fuel; or in other words have an unnecessary MAP Comp (which I should use as BAP Comp).
The IPJU is currently set at 5 which what first alerted me to the potential issue; as I would think something around 10 would be more useful.
So, what is the easiest way to rescale my Fuel Map so that I can remove the (unnecessary Comp) whilst not losing the "correct" fuel values? I Sort of feel it should be something like: Remove Fuel/MAP Comp and set the IPJU to 10 (from 5) without rescaling. The only thing im not sure about is the fact that pressure is measured in KPa and effectively goes through '0' which might screw things up a bit; also how other fuel comps might need to be changed as I didn't rescale when I change the IPJU...
Hope that makes sense....