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M800 CAN message to ADL detail

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:23 pm
by yai111
I am running M800 with ADL2. The data connection from M800 to ADL2 is working fine. CAN setting on M800 is CAN 0 = 1 (ADL)

I installed third party video logger that can read CAN data. I want to understand more detail of CAN message that M800 is sending to ADL, so the video logger can use the same CAN as ADL.

Can anyone give me detail of those parameter in detail.
Is it compound or sequential?
List of CAN message
ID, Offset, start bit, ID (hex), DLC, Length, signed/unsigned, standard/ extended?
Unit, scale, offset?

Re: M800 CAN message to ADL detail

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:38 am
by Holmz
yai111 wrote:...
I installed third party video logger that can read CAN data.

Do you have a link to that system?

Re: M800 CAN message to ADL detail

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:42 pm
by yai111
Yes, I have link to that video logger.
It works on custom CAN message from M800.
But I want to use the same ADL CAN message.

Re: M800 CAN message to ADL detail

PostPosted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:22 am
by Holmz
yai111 wrote:Yes, I have link to that video logger.

Would you be willing to share the link?

Re: M800 CAN message to ADL detail

PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:29 pm
by MarkMc
It would be best to send the Video data out of the ADL. The ADLs can do either Compound or Sequential messages. and the IDs can pretty much be anything as long as they do not clash with any other IDs floating around on the CAN bus. The CAN addresses are standard length.

Nearly all of our channels are signed 16bit. The offset will depend on if you are using Compound or Sequential. Realisitcally you can order the channels how ever you want when they are sent out of the ADL.

The scaling also depends on the channel. You can go to Dash Manager and go to "tools" and edit channels, when you find the channel you want it will show you the base resolution. For example, engine temperature will have a base resolution of 0.1deg so you will most likely have to divide it by 10 when it gets to the video system.

I have attached a document which should help explain how it all works.