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M800 unbalanced hi/lo injection

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:09 pm
by Blu302
I currently have an XR8 running full sequential injection and was wondering if it was at all possible to run a secondary set of injectors in hi/lo configuration without having to purchase another M800 to run a second full set. Is MOTEC looking at unbalanced hi/lo injection (different number sets of injectors, say 8 and 4). If there is a way of running another set for secondaries, how could it be done? Maybe linking unused ignition or aux output to 1 injector PWM and setting a table to modify it's characteristics? Just a thought. I am looking to increase fuel injected, but earlier in the intake plenum for charge air cooling.
Any help Appreciated

Re: M800 unbalanced hi/lo injection

PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:29 pm
by JamieA
I have actually run hi/lo injection on my 4 cylinder race car, with different injectors hi and low (Bosch 803 and 363).

There is a full 3d balance table that you can use to select what proportion of the fuel table request comes from the high or the low injectors.

When finished, this worked very well.

That was the good news, as for the bad news, you wont be able to do this easily.

As there is only 8 injector outputs on the M800, you cannot individually control the 16 injectors that you would require to do this job.

From what my usage found, I would suggest that if it is a race engine, just move the injectors high, and block up the low injector holes. You may loose a little in initial response, but this is as it is done on a V8 supercar, and you can get rid of the hesitation with high injectors by playing with overrun fuel for starters.


Re: M800 unbalanced hi/lo injection

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:18 pm
by Blu302
I was looking to control water/meth injection for intake cooling and grouping cylinders together to minimise output requirement but i guess i'll have to find another way.