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Primary/Seconday injectors setup

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:30 am
by Polux RSV
I have two injectors per cylinders on my bike, one spraying in the manifold, the other spraying on top of the butterfly.
Both are not oversized and I would like a setup were at low rpms or load, only the manifold injector is used. Then gradually, both are used, and at full throttle, only the secondary is spraying.
I understood the secondary balance table, but not the primary/secondary balance on/off parameters. Which values should I use so injectors works as I want? Can I put 0.0 in Primary parameters and 100% in Secondary?

Thanks for a better explanation than help screen, often not simple for a non english speaking guy.


Re: Primary/Seconday injectors setup

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:13 pm
by Polux RSV
Nobody to explain me how to setup these 4 parameters :oops:


Re: Primary/Seconday injectors setup

PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:10 pm
by IDP
You can use 100 in the primary balance table for 100% Primary inector.
You can also use 0 in the primary balance table for 100% secondary injector.
Any value in between will give a balance of the 2.
60 will give 60% Primary 40% Secondary etc etc.

The primary secondary on off parameters are usually set as below.

Primary balance on 15%
Primary balance off 10%
Secondary balance on 85%
Secondary balance off 90%

This stops impossibly small duty cycles being specified. ie 1% primary injector would lead to pulse width so small it wouldnt work.