Thank you for your advice, my IJPU is 12 .
So after looking through some of the webinars recommended by Holmz, here are the final tables i have as of today.
Morning start at -10c today took me only 15 seconds of cranking to start it. Absolutely chuffed about the result.
As It got warmer around midday at -1C i was able to start it almost immediately, feels absolutely fantastic

There is still a slight problem though, as once it fires up, It starts at low RPM and then creeps up towards idle, instead of behaving like a normal car, where the car starts at high rpm and then goes down to idle,
although after ignition and ignition comp table corrections, it does feel like it now takes it less time to get to idle rpm. But for an easier start i still have to give it a little bit of throttle once i feel its starting to come alive..Could anyone point me in the right direction ?
Thanks for all the help so far, its already a huge improvement on what it was before! It was getting quite uncomfortable sitting there for minutes on end, trying to start my car, while people are peeking out of their windows to see whats going on