M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby IDP on Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:55 am

We removed the flaps and the shaft and blanked the holes with pressed in and loctited aluminium bungs.

I think you'll find if you set the TPS to zero with the butterflies fully closed and then adjust the stop to around 5% throttle you'll get a fairly high idle that you can control adequately with ignition advance/retard.

I'll try and find a pic of a modified set.
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby OmarK on Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:42 am


Attached is an R6 Start file to help you along.
2006-2008 Yamaha R6 Start File
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby Holmz on Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:30 pm

OmarK wrote:Hi,
Attached is an R6 Start file to help you along.

Ta Omar.

Anyone know off-hand which inject style fits the R1?
I am looking at Bosch Ev4, EV6 etc? - but suspect that there is a specific "style ??" that I need should i need more cc/min.
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby IDP on Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:13 am

Which model year R1?
Usually std injectors and a pressure increase work well up to 200 ish Bhp
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby Holmz on Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:27 pm

IDP wrote:Which model year R1?
Usually std injectors and a pressure increase work well up to 200 ish Bhp

Thanks IDP...
It is cable driven (not DBW) but has the 2 stage trumpets so I guess 2006????

I'll have to measure the fuel pressure, but it appears to have a regulator on the rail.
Looking at ~200 HP, so maybe I'll stick with what is in there.
I am thinking of a set of high injectors, but wanted to start out with lo injectors for easy of tuning... And thought I might need to increase their size... Maybe not!
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby IDP on Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:37 am

The only R1's I'm aware of with 2 stage trumpets have also had DBW.
That's 2007/2008 with single injectors and 2009/2010 with double injectors.

06 bikes had cable throttles but no 2 stage trumpets. they also have a very extended injector nozzle which would be hard to replace.

I'd be interested to see a picture of your throttle bodies.

All models 2007 onwards have the regulator in the tank and a single fuel line. the part in the middle of the rail that looks like a regulator is a damper.

04/05/06/07/08 bikes work well with 4.3 BAR and duty cycles below around 80% at 200 ish BHP.
Std pressure will be 3.2 BAR I think.

09/10 bikes have massive secondary injectors and duty cycle is no problem even at std pressure.
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby Holmz on Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:05 am

IDP wrote:The only R1's I'm aware of with 2 stage trumpets have also had DBW.
That's 2007/2008 with single injectors and 2009/2010 with double injectors.

06 bikes had cable throttles but no 2 stage trumpets. they also have a very extended injector nozzle which would be hard to replace.

I'd be interested to see a picture of your throttle bodies.

All models 2007 onwards have the regulator in the tank and a single fuel line. the part in the middle of the rail that looks like a regulator is a damper.

04/05/06/07/08 bikes work well with 4.3 BAR and duty cycles below around 80% at 200 ish BHP.
Std pressure will be 3.2 BAR I think.

09/10 bikes have massive secondary injectors and duty cycle is no problem even at std pressure.

I bought them separate.
The pictures back on post 6 are the TBs.
I picked up the trumpets a month ago and they bolt up to the TBs, but I got them form a separate purchase.
So it is a dog breakfast.
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby IDP on Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:57 pm

Ah yes 2004/5/6 TB's

That is the regulator on the rail on these.

We replaced them with an adaptor and a 4.3 Bar Weber regulator.
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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby Holmz on Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:44 pm

IDP wrote:Ah yes 2004/5/6 TB's

That is the regulator on the rail on these.

We replaced them with an adaptor and a 4.3 Bar Weber regulator.

OK so what do you recommend...?
I am going to put these TB on a small inline 4cly. At some point I probably have to address the fuel pump, but probably that will be something like a Walbro (spelling?), which is probably ~3 to 3.5bar (??).

Do you have some more info in the Weber, or do I run the fuel to the rail blind with out a return.
If I end p with a hi/lo then I probably will need to run the hi and the low blind, or account for 2 system, which will likely need the same pressure.

If I should address it off-line I send an address and I'll email.

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Re: M800 on 08 Yamaha R6

Postby IDP on Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:46 am

Basically all we did was turn up an aluminuim piece with a tail on it to fit into the rail in place of the std reg.
From there we piped to an inline reg and from there back to the tank.

We used a small weber marelli reg at 4.3 Bar but theres plenty of adjustable inline regs available too.
Don't run to the rail blind unless you put the reg on the pump.
The std Yamaha pump will hold 4.3 Bar as long as it sees 14V at all times.

A blind second rail can be tee'd into the first rail with this setup no problem.
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