by PWCGUY on Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:31 am
Thanks for the reply. I will definitly try that. Hey I also found an easy way to remove the caption bar at the top of the window ( the bar that has the maximize / minimize and close buttons ) which will give you that screen area back for dash display. For me this is a big deal as I'm height limited and using a 16:9 screen. Using an AutoHotkey script with this syntax:
There are also a few other simply commands that are really cool like:
WinSet, Transparent, 150, A
which makes the active window transparent / opaque so you can see behind it ( like if you had GPS software ). There is another command which could completly turn off pixels of a defined color in the active window to expose a portion of the window behind it. In this case you could insert a team logo box within ECU Manager dash display with a picture that is pure white. Then run an AutoHotkey script with this syntax and you can see information on the window behind the active ECU Manager dash layout, syntax:
So little time and so many fun things to try !
Mike D.