MarkMc wrote:
A C-1 status (this is not an error) while driving is interesting, I wouldn't be surprised is the sensor was a bit unhappy and was shutting down. The ECU retries the sensor every 10seconds (or so) when it has gone into error, if it comes back ok it will race throught the C-3 status becasue it is already hot and probably the C-2 as well. Need the logging.
Hi Mark, which values do you need to be logged for understanding why it goes into Error ? Zp?
I got it many times today during a track session, and I don't think the Ecu retries the sensor as the Error is in the Diagnostic page AND the closed loop is OFF till I Reset Error...
PS: I made a mistake when I said it was a C-1 error...
In fact I don't know which error is, as in my Car-PC I just get Error Lambda 1 in Diagnostic page...
Thank you.