by Sean on Tue Apr 19, 2022 12:15 am
Stephen, yes, that's an off the shelf MSD embedded magnet trigger wheel and pickup. Normally used with something like a MSD 7AL. The trigger wheel and the round pins are aluminium.
Kev, the picture of the ECU has answers one question, it appears to be an M800 rather that an M400. Can you post the actual configuration file from the within ecu please.
In my experience, if it was running fine before you've done a freshen up, most often the culprit isn't the ecu. I'd advise verifying the basics, cranking compression, valve lash, fuel pressure, all the basic stuff. With ecu manager open check all the sensor channels and see if the values make sense. If it's not run for a while check injectors are firing and aren't stuck. I'd always recommend a flow check on injectors at rebuild.