SprinterTRD wrote:Wolf_Tm250 wrote:
Hi Sprinter,
yes, I think we all pretty know how to do the math of selected cells, but you would agree that on street, but even on dyno, while you're looking after a lot of parameters and listening for knock, it'd be a lot easier and faster to hit ten times "+" key, than to look at the keyboard to write "10+"or whatever...
I guess we all tune engines differently, I wouldnt be changing a large numbers of sites while you're looking after a lot of parameters and listening for knock!
For example, sometimes (ALWAYS) it happens you make a mechanical mod and you see a new load trend, on the same RPM column, and/or a new VE trend in the load row, both AFR and ign timing, and you want to apply the new trend to all the RPM sites w/same load and/or load sites w/same RPM, and in this way usually you'll get closer in less time, before visiting all those cells later.
In these cases, hit PageUp or PageDown (like it already does with a single cell !!! ) is faster and safer.... IMHO.
same here with my EEEpc...
I have PgUp and PgDn that are Function+Up and Function+Down, and problem was Arrows are on the right side and Fn key is on left side of the keyboard... so I "remapped" the Right Ctrl beside the Arrows to act as a Fn key, so I can do it with one hand only...