Ref / Sync Problem's

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby -Luke- on Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:45 am

I've checked the ignition and injector outputs 3 times, i know they are correct for sure.

I took the plugs out as you say, turned it over and all is fine, all errors go out and it sync's up... great. Trouble is when the engine is under compression.

I took an RPM reading on a chart whilst the engine is under compression and with the plugs out, its relatively smooth with no plugs in but erratic when under compression....

From what i understand i need to adjust the tooth ratio to compensate the erratic RPM, is that correct, its already at 85
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby IDP on Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:30 am

Tooth ratio of 80 has been working with this engine and trigger pattern since 2009.

Forget about the errors at cranking for a minute, it's not unusual.

Is everything else correct?

Does the engine try and fire at all?

What ignition system are you using?

How about screen shots of the View screens when everything is turned on.

Especially Sensors, Fuel and Ignition view screens.
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby -Luke- on Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:23 am

I put the Map ref / sync settings exactly back to how you gave it to me.

I found out if i used a large amp hour battery to turn the engine over quick i only got this error;

Error Sync Signal

I thought the engine would not start as there would be no ignition or injectors with this error but checked to see if there was a spark, which there was, connected the fuel up and it eventually just about fired up.

As soon as there the battery lost a little bit of power and the RPM dropped a little it would not Sync again and i got all of these errors.

Error Ref Noise Tr
Error Sync Signal
Error No Sync Signal
Ref / Sync Not Synchronised

Any idea's to help it sync most of the time while being cranked normally would be appreciated. Its not really practical for me to jump it all the time from a van load of batteries... I needs to crank over as quick as possible for it to sync and fire up at present, maybe the engine is a little tight as its just had a full rebuild
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby IDP on Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:15 am

This is definitely a difficulty with this engine but if it's all setup well and it fires easily it doesn't tend to be a problem.

Are all the fuel and ignition comps looking sensible at cranking?
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby -Luke- on Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:26 am

It don't fire easily, in fact its only fired at once and i cant get it going again now, which leads me to believe there maybe a fuel or ignition problem....

I'm still a Motec novice but learning quick on this first project of mine, could you explain what you mean by 'fuel and ignition comps looking sensible at cranking?' What should i be looking for???
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby IDP on Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:26 am

With the ECU open and powered up hit the V Key.

In this View screen look at the Fuel Tab, Ignition Tab and Sensors Tab.

If you can post screen shots of the 3 pages i'll try and explain.
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby -Luke- on Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:21 am

What do you recon...

Thanks again for your help.

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Screen shot 2011-12-20 at 00.13.00.jpg (353.88 KiB) Viewed 15279 times
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby SprinterTRD on Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:23 pm

There seems to be something pulling all the fuel out but there are no negative fuel trims I wonder if the file is corrupt.
Fuel Actual pulse width is 0 so no fuel injected into the engine.

Did you set the throttle hi/low in the sensor setup?

Also I just noticed that you are not using a native windoze PC, possibly screwing something.
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby MarkMc on Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:26 pm

The fuel trims is not the problem, this is what happens when you have high low injectors set up.

What you need to do is set the logging so you have RPM at 200Hz, Ref/Sync Synchronized status group (status flags 1) logged at 50Hz and the ref/sync errors (error groups 6 and 14) logged at 2Hz. It's important you get the logging rates right.

Make sure you are out of any of the logging set up screens. Crank the engine with the diagnostic errors screen open and every time an error comes up hit "enter" (very important).....keep the engine cranking. Do this for about 10 seconds or so. Stop the engine and repeat this 10 second test a couple of time and send me the logging.
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Re: Ref / Sync Problem's

Postby Wolf_Tm250 on Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:12 pm

Is the fuel pressure ok?
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