Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby mfalah on Thu Oct 15, 2015 8:52 pm

I am using a Ross trigger kit with 12 tooth on crank and 1 tooth on cam in my RB25DET. First of all they wont synchronize, and because thats there I cant get no spark so timing light is pretty useless for finding the CRIP. Neither do i know the tooth ratio nor do i know the crip, this is as hard as cracking the safe and i tried literally close to 25 combinations before my battery runs flat and no luck. There is only one mark on the pulley no degrees to show anything else. Now how i can get the crip?
A. Clockwise distance of the mark on th engine to the mark on the pulley?
B. Clockwise distance of the mark on the pulley to the hall sensor?

In the webinar it says the first index tooth is the next after the sync tooth, but how do we know this? By a ref/sync capture as a measure? Coz mine doesn't show degrees but i can count.
Ross Balancers a.k.a Omega technical industries say each tooth is indexed at 30°s to one another. And i used the following setting in the Ref/sync setup.
1. Multi tooth.
2. Number of teeth 12
3.CRIP: no idea literally tried everything from -10 to 719, test advance was also fiddld with from 0-30 degrees no luck.
4. Polarity combination : as advised by motec one fall one rise, or both rise.
5. Filter table set as described by help file.
6. Sync tooth on exhaust cam, whose offset is 360÷1 as explained in their example if having 8 teeth this must be 360÷8=48.
Now where am i wrong? I kept smashing the enter button after changing combinations in the diagnostic screen never it says synchronization ok. Only once it happened at -10 crip , i hit the enter again while cranking to check for consistency and that miracle never happened again. Dont wanna send car 1500 km away to tuner, wanna do this myself. Somebody advice.
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby SprinterTRD on Fri Oct 16, 2015 11:11 am

This is a simple ref\sync mode to work out.

1 Do a ref sync capture so you can set what edges you need to trigger on
2 Set your engine to TDC no 1(firing stroke)
3 Rotate the crank clockwise until the correct sync tooth edge is facing the sync sensor
4 Now look at the ref sensor and see where the teeth are. If there is a tooth facing the sensor you should probably move the ref sensor as this may cause problems at high RPM. Idealy the ref sensor should be between two ref teeth.
5 Continue winding the crank clockwise until the next correct ref tooth edge is facing the ref sensor. Mark this tooth.
6 Continue to turn the engine clockwise to TDC no1 (firing stroke) noting the degree's the marked tooth travels until you get to TDC no 1. So if you rotated the engine 350 deg to get the sync to line up then another 15 degree to get the ref tooth to line up the crip should be around 355 (720-365=355)
7 Enter the degree value you worked out in step 6 as a starting point for your crip value

8 Assuming you have setup the correct ref & sync voltage and filter levels ( if you are using mag sensors) once engine is running check the crip using a timing light
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby mfalah on Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:48 am

Thanks, by far the easiest to understand reply i ever had on this topic. Hope to see how it works out. One more thing i wanted to know and sorry for my ignorance, how do exactly set my engine to TDC 1 firing stroke? People say alot about winding the engine clockwise ( however doing so with the ignition key is so fast i cant see nothing and miss a few teeth) how do people wind a proper engine by their own hands? Never done this before, do they loosen up the belt or use a wrench to turn the engine while the car is off?
And this was cylinder 1 all the way up as i see, when i removed my spak plug off and away.
image.jpeg (676.3 KiB) Viewed 25247 times
That was how the engine looked like when the 0 degree mark pointed upwards.
image.jpeg (600.44 KiB) Viewed 25247 times
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby SprinterTRD on Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:24 pm

This "use a wrench to turn the engine while the car is off"
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby mfalah on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:07 am

I forgot to say one more thing, the ecu wouldn't synchronize with the hall sensors at all. I have hall sensors at both ref and sync and i triggered them wisely but they wouldn't synchronize. The capture turns out fine. But still there are problems. Any way i can make it work? Ref is 12 tooth and sync is 1 tooth.
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby SprinterTRD on Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:56 am

Post the ref/sync capture
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby abdo28 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:52 am

hi i got the same trigger kit and same problem but is start the engine but still something is not right
the ex manifold glow red after driving
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby abdo28 on Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:12 am

and this my capture
ref.jpg (214.76 KiB) Viewed 25182 times
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby David Ferguson on Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:27 am

That looks like a picture of the capture.

Try uploading the file r34rosstrigger.rsc2, so others can look at it in detail.
David Ferguson
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Re: Ref/sync not Synchronized.

Postby mfalah on Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:27 pm

I have taken two captures at two different events.
Ref type: multi tooth
Number of tooth: 12
cRIP: no idea
Ref voltage :0 as advised
Ref polarity: rise/ fall but never fall if used on sync as advised by motec
Ref type: hall
Sync polarity : rise or fall
Sync voltage: 0,
Sync type: hall
Sync offset: 360÷1=360
Sync position: exhaust cam.

Now what is wrong?
Old capture with zoom out
image.jpeg (82.33 KiB) Viewed 25155 times
Next capture with -1 to 10 voltage as advised by motec.
image.jpeg (108.07 KiB) Viewed 25155 times
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