Cakibrating a Honeywell MHL250PGB on a M800

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Cakibrating a Honeywell MHL250PGB on a M800

Postby jp300 on Sun May 27, 2012 9:22 pm

I've purchased the sensor from an authorised Motec reseller and cannot figure out how to configure it?

I've downloaded the Motec data sheet (Title "Honeywell Pressure Sensors" drawing number X32).

It says "Note: M800 Version 3.3 + software Use the ADL calibration method" ?

The sensor is connected to AV4 on the ECU... when I go to the Input Pin Setup and choose the Fuel Pressure sensor option there is no Honeywell MHL sensor options on the drop down list?

How do I configure this sensor on the M800?
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Re: Cakibrating a Honeywell MHL250PGB on a M800

Postby MileyCyrus on Mon May 28, 2012 1:20 am

Dunno what you want to read in, but for PSIG:

0psi - 0V
0psi - 0.504V
250psi - 4.5V

In general, for these types of sensors, usually they just output .5V for the 0 reading and 4.5V for the maximum.

Also, just having a copy of ADL3 dash manager on your computer is convenient, to check exact values of sensor calibrations, which a large list come with it in the install file.

Nathan Tarlinton
Electrical Team Leader
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