Hey everyone,
for long time i did not find thing like i have right now.
It is the throtle pedal from Lancer EVO X. It is SST before, now is sequential. So for me is not important anything except that engine runs. But to run the engine i still need throtle pedal and electric throtle body. Problem is that i cant figure it out why i cant see any resistance from the pedal! There is two potentiometars and neither works! Just ordered new one and dont work neither. (Or i am getting old and forgot how to check! )
Anyone have idea how is that story? Is there some special system how to check??? Cause M800 need simple to conect to AV input the pedal! But how MoTeC M800 will see chnage of votage when already npedal does not work outside!
BTW. i did use my Honda Fit and Chevy Cruze and works my tester, i can see it there when i press the throtle with my hand down that change resistance. I did also put on one standar EVO X both pedals and they work!
HELP! ^__^