connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Postby gregary on Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:27 pm

Good day

we have found ourselves in the compromised situation of using racetechnology logger and dash display and a m800 ecu.i have a DL2 and dash 2 connected via the racetechnology serial adapter and I also have the CAN adapter. either way i don't have any communication from the motec to the race technlogy.

according to race tech (RT) i should set the motec to 19.2kbaud, data set 3 using the crc232 set ups (the same i believe that is used for telemtery)
but no luck in comms like this

i have also tried using a CAN adapter but also no luck there.
as the RT requires single message say 1 temperature alone to be decoded at a time, while motec send a bundle of data in 1 message.

Does anyone have any advice for me please? how can i check whether the motec is even sending serial data out. i know it is sending CAN as it connects with the HTC adapter.

Thank you kindly
Greg Bailey
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Re: connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Postby gregary on Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:41 pm

I have !M logging enabled on the m800. is there a way of logging the serial output file to check that it is working?
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Re: connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Postby MarkMc on Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:58 pm

The easiest thing to do is to connect the serial output wire to a Terminal emulator on your laptop. "Real Term" is probably best.
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Re: connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Postby Martin on Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:11 am

So the TX from the ECU needs to be wired to a D9(pin2) and then plugged into a laptop serial port while running Real term to monitor the output of the ECU?
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Re: connecting M800 via Can or serial to Racetechnology loggers

Postby MarkMc on Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:49 pm

Correct.....but to be honest it will be working, I have never seen the RS232 data stream stop. Our Dash Loggers have an RS232 (and CAN for that matter) diagnostic to tell us if anything is wrong. The diagnostics are available for each communications device connected to our Dash Loggers.
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