Reading the options enabled question.

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Reading the options enabled question.

Postby Chris Wilson on Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:31 am

I had a customer come by the other day with a car that has an M600 ecu fitted. He was wanting to sell it, and I was interested in buying it, but he had no info on the options enabled. I connected my laptop running current hundred series software and it said the the ecu was on V3.41, did I want to upgrade? Seeing as he was miles from base and i didn't know him *that* well I explained the slight element of risk in upgrading to the latest software and the map change. He decided to risk it, and it all went well. Would there have been an alternative way to see the options enabled, given that V3.41 is not on the old software pages, and a search of the forum showed Motec advise it be upgraded for whatever reason? If the upgrade had failed would it be a return to Motec situation? Thanks.
Chris Wilson
Posts: 231
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:51 am

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