by insomnia on Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:22 am
-1) I believe you are wrong with your setup, this is not 24-2 but 24-1
You need to use Mode 5 (One missing twice/cycle)
-2) In this case the CRIP is 455 (if your first cylinder is on the bike's left side)
-3) The big probleme with ALL the Suzuki engine is following: too less gap between
Ref and Sync Signal. One solution is to move the Pin from the Camshaft ....
About your injector issue, i dont have any idea for the moment...
If you start the engine and receive a Sync Error, what happend when you reset the error during the engine
running? does the error re-appear? If not, you dont have a issue with that. During the start the ECU cant sync directly and you see this error, but only one time, after it's ok....
For infos, i have a GSX-R1000K6 and 0,6bar Boost for 407 BHP and 280Nm Torque...