Sorry for purists , but what about diesel engines?
I work for a French company specialized in prototype engine development, from initial design to bench development and vehicle integration. Sometimes, when we are free to start an engine with any ECU, we uses a Motec M800. Today, we just start gasoline engines. But, building a little interface to control piezo injectors with M800 injector outputs, I project to start a diesel engine. However, is it possible to do complete development of a diesel engine using Motec?
As 'Multi Pulse Injection' option could be a good start to command diesel engines, is there a motec M800 firmware dedicated to diesel engines control?
In order to go further, the multi pulse just need to be divided into more than 2 pulses (4 or 5 would be a great value) Perhaps is it possible to use two injector outputs to command only one effective piezo injector (using a special home-made interface). Using an individual trim for every inj table and secondary balance we would be able to reach 4 pulses per inj.
Has somebody already do some tests?
What do you think about that?