ORB function M800 Subaru

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

ORB function M800 Subaru

Postby VVR on Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:59 am

Good day!

I bought old Prodrive Subaru GC8 rally car. Previous owner of this car didn't provide me some definite information about it's ECU. As I've explored, my car has Motec M800 OEM for Subaru (wrx56). The DiG2 input (strongly B22 Pin on the connector) is ORB (AntiLaG) function. But in my car to this pin is connected only 2nd rev limiter which activate by pressing the button near gearbox, and this button simply connect DIG2 with 0v. I've read the forum, and I found that, there is a way to use one DIG input for these two functions (ORB and 2nd Rev limiter), but I can't understand, How can I activate ORB function, or check it's activation.

Thanks in advance for any useful information.
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Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:50 am

Re: ORB function M800 Subaru

Postby MarkMc on Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:49 pm

What version of software do you have? If you look under the functions menu you can find the Over Run Boost Enhancment. You also need either the ORB or Advanced FUnctions upgrade for the ECU to have this function.
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Re: ORB function M800 Subaru

Postby VVR on Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:27 pm

Good day

Thanks, solved.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:50 am

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