by Scott@FP on Wed Aug 04, 2010 1:51 pm
Use F1 a lot, help files pop up and explain most items.
Go to pulldown menu adjust/sensor setup/REF-SYNC sensor setup/setup submenu, select 'REF/SYNC mode' and hit F1, you will see the list of ref/sync setup modes, select 'OEM modes', Mitsubishi cam mounted and later model 2 tooth crank sensor setups all use mode 16.
There is no injector size that needs to be entered per se, except for fuel usage calcs, I think what you are asking is fuel table setup? The IJPU is in adjust/general setup/fuel/setup and select 'Injector Scaling' (IJPU) What the IJPU number is is what injector PW corresponds to a value of 100 in the main fuel table, also the main fuel table has a maximum value of 400. So you need to balance maximum capacity needed with resolution at the lower cruise and idle areas. Whether you are using a MAP comp or are N/A factors into the decision as well as it is a multiplier of the main table. Generally speaking the larger the injector relative to engine capacity the smaller the IJPU needs to be, but there are a myriad of ways the injector scaling and comps can be used, but to make a good decision on what IJPU needs to be you need to have a good idea what the max PW is going to be.