Servo Motor Upgrade

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby IDP on Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:32 pm

You can add an axis to the control but not with the aux 2 table.

You need to use a spare aux output set to aux table. Use the duty cycle of that table in the servo table.
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Ben-S on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:26 am

Yeah that's what I had planned, I was just hoping I could do that with the aux 2 table and the aux output turned off to save a table.
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Martin on Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:36 am

Ive seen a linear actuator with position feedback (must be something used in industrial applications). It could move up to 500N!

I think if you want to actuate a wing, you will need a worm gear setup because if you needed the motor itself to support the load of the wing it would require huge amounts of current to keep its position when its under load. If its a worm drive with a big ratio, speed will be sacrificed but you could almost remove all power from the motor and it would keep its position. The BMW n52 and its relatives have got a nice big DC motor for valve lift control. Its also fitted with a worm gear on the front end. It would require a DHB as the ECU would not be able to drive it directly. This is a very strong motor and it about 50mm OD....

Maybe search the net and see what you can find
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Ben-S on Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:02 am

I actually already have the actuator it is a 4" throw 150lb actuator that should be able to move 1/2"/s which is slower than I would like but it was the right price. It is a worm gear type with a 20:1 ratio. They claim it only uses 4a at peak load and 8a transient which I think the ECU should be able to handle directly.

If everything works and it's effective I may try to make something more sleek and compact
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Ben-S on Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:27 pm

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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby IJ. on Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:08 pm

Pretty cool, wonder how it's going to handle the loads at speed. :)
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Ben-S on Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:43 am

Me too... I'm going to put it in a budget wind tunnel but it only goes up to 85 mph. I have CFD data but nothing advanced enough to tell me the load paths through the mounts...
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Re: Servo Motor Upgrade

Postby Holmz on Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:53 pm

IJ. wrote:Pretty cool, wonder how it's going to handle the loads at speed. :)

If it is pivoted around the center of the wings force, then the actuator will not have to handle too much load.
But a worm drive would probably to minimize oscillations if it is a bit off centre, which it will almost certainly be to some extent.
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