User Defined Sensors 2.3 software Problem

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

User Defined Sensors 2.3 software Problem

Postby driftshop on Fri Feb 19, 2010 2:10 am

Hey Guys,

I've downgraded to 2.3 software, but I cannot seem to have my user defined lambda and EGT sensors working.

The 3.5 software is very easy to setup user defined sensors with a calibration table.

I cant seem to do the same in the 2.3 software. I have AV6 and AV7 setup for Lambda and EGT respectively and I have them as user defined channels, however I cant seem to enter a voltage vs lambda or egt value in the table.
The table is deg C vs an arbitrary value, which seems to be the signal voltage coming from the sensors when the data is live?

How can I setup a voltage vs value calibration in 2.3 software , similar to the 3.5 setup or at least to get the sensors working.
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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:48 pm

Re: User Defined Sensors 2.3 software Problem

Postby RossB on Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:27 pm

There is no value vz voltage value in V2.3 the value in the table is in A/D counts with 1024 A/D counts equal to 5V. So to get your A/D value you need to multiply your voltage bu 204.8.

Why would you want to downgrade to V2.3???
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Joined: Thu May 01, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: User Defined Sensors 2.3 software Problem

Postby driftshop on Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:01 pm

When I upgraded to 3.5 and converted the 2.3 map, the engine runs extremely rich, fouls plugs and generally stalls after cold and hot start, even whilst driving in traffic after coming to a complete stop.

The 2.3 software with the map that is on it runs exceptionally well and has had a lot of hours invested in it on the dyno.

I will be starting the 3.5 upgrade from scratch, entering in all the values and seeing if that helps, but I've got a feeling that the injector control on the 3.5 software is vastly different from the 2.3 software, even when running the same settings or the settings that were transposed in the upgrade.

Feel free to check these ECU files for any reason why the 3.5 software likes to run so rich after converted: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1000
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:48 pm

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