M800 GPS to ADL ?

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

M800 GPS to ADL ?

Postby Thorsten on Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:56 pm

I've upgraded my M800 with the latest U2 software, installed the Garmin GPS, everything works so far.
But- as I want to have all the GPS Data integrated inside my ADL Logging, I need to send the LAT/LONG Hiword and Lowword Data to the ADL.
Now the ADL Does not have the Hi/Lowword Channels to assign, so the Question is if I can use some general purpose Channels of the ADL ( which then would log the Hi/Lo Lat/Long Data), and then use the Alias Editor I2Pro Function in Conjunction with a math, to combine that both Words into real Long/Lat Values ?

Thanks in dvance
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Re: M800 GPS to ADL ?

Postby MarkMc on Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:45 am

Hi Thorsten,
The problem is that the Lat/Long channels need to be 32bit which is why the M800 has them as two 16bit channels. Sending this to the ADL would result in the same thing, two 16bit channels as the ADL cannot do 32bit channels. Only our ADL2, SDL and new ADL3 have the ability to work with the 32bit channels live.

With the M800 you log the two Hi and two Low channels and I2 combines them into useable Lat and Long. At least in the ADL you could use some maths if you wanted to keep track of a certain position but it would involve a condition based on two different parts of the channel.
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Re: M800 GPS to ADL ?

Postby Thorsten on Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:23 am

Thanks Mark
I understand, did a research about Bits and Bytes before I posted here, did some research again, so now it is quiet clear that the ADL won't be able to display (keep track on) Lat and Long.
But maybe my Q was a bit mistakeable.
So - I do not need to see Lat/long on the Dash, I just want to LOG them.
I've wired for myself and for friends and customers lots of EDL's/ADL's and SDL's, so I'm aware GPS works much easier there.

So,I try to make it more plain, the Q:
Does it work to log the Hi/Low Word 16 bit channels inside the ADL as maybe General Purpose Channels, and then use the I2pro Alias Editor or channel Mappings to "recode" those Information to generate the track ?

As you said
With the M800 you log the two Hi and two Low channels and I2 combines them into useable Lat and Long.

It's just why may the I2/pro not be able to combine those 2 channels if they have been stored/logged by the ADL ?
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Re: M800 GPS to ADL ?

Postby MarkMc on Mon Jul 13, 2009 9:54 am

It would be easiest to log them in the M800 because I2 automatically adds the Hi/Lo channels together to give you a track map in I2 Standard or Pro. The ADL could log the two channeld (yes as GP channels if you like) but I2 will not automatically join them together like for the M800.

If you have I2 Pro you could use some maths to join the two channels but I am not sure if this will result in a track map. A couple of the guys here in my office are investigating this now so we will let you know our results.
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