No one
In the meantime I've collected some more info and made the summary listed below and base setup which I believe should work. Can someone review these settings and let me know if I'm on the right track?
ALS input option 1: one switch (activation)
Digital input function 13 > Overrun boost enhancement
ALS input option 2: two switches (activation, ORB table select)
ALS input option 3: one push button (selection: off > table-set 1 > table-set 2)
Digital input function 25 > ORB Select
Only used for driving solenoids (Air bypass valves or throttle kickers) > Mode 1 & 2
Outputs > use ignition or injector outputs!
Solenoid Output function > 115 (Status Output)
Selection parameter > 31 (Overrun boost active)
Selection parameter > 33 (ORB table set 2 selected) > for indication LED
Advanced Feature Function
ORB setup:
Mode 1
Throttle Hysteresis 0,0
Idle Throttle Lo 2
Idle Throttle Hi 20
Idle RPM 1500
Maximum Time 10
Maximum EGT 0
Activate Throttle 80
Activate Throttle Delay 300
Cut Table:
TPD 10 (2500-7000) = 25
TPD 0 (2500-7000) = 35
Retard Table:
TPD 10,0 (2500-7000) = 25
Fuel Enrichment Table:
TPD 0 (2500-7000) = 17
Air Bypass Table:
RPM (2000-7000) = 22,22,22,22,15
Digital Input Functions
Sw In 1 (AT1) > 13 (OverRun Boost enhancement)
Ignition Output Functions
Ignition Out 5 > 115 (Status Output)
Parameters > Selection > 31 (ORB active)