Timer hold

Discussion and support for MoTeC's previous generation ECUs.

Timer hold

Postby RickD on Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:58 pm

M880 is there a way to set a threshold parameter to hold a timer until the threshold is met? for example a TPS percentage under 90% holds timer 1 . Thank you
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Re: Timer hold

Postby JulianEdgar on Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:24 am

I don't have an answer but I, too, would like to know one!
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Re: Timer hold

Postby SprinterTRD on Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:44 pm

You need to generate one of the status channels.

So for your example you would use a Aux output table to meet the trigger point you need, then hard wire the output to a digital input to generate the status channel "Didital Input (n) Active"
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Re: Timer hold

Postby RickD on Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:06 pm

That is how I am activating the timer with an AUX table wired to input but I would like to hold the timer at a given point then start the timer from that point without a reset is that possible?
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Re: Timer hold

Postby SprinterTRD on Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:17 pm

No that not possible, the timer runs from 0 to whatever end time you set
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Re: Timer hold

Postby RickD on Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:48 pm

Thank you for that info ,I was hoping I was missing something
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Re: Timer hold

Postby Scott@FP on Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:36 pm

You can flip the logic by using Dig 1-4 set up as function 29 'monitor', then point the timer selection to that dig channel.
You can also split the logic so Timer 1 runs when its active, and Timer 2 runs when its inactive. You can use timer 2 to reset timer 1 via an additional aux table wired into the digital and using output mode 2.

If I understand correctly what you are trying to do it can be done, it may take a digital, two aux tables, and both timers though, maybe explain a little further here or PM. If its strictly full or closed throttle time you can simply use the full throttle or closed throttle timers in Misc Setup, both those channels are available as an axis as Full/Closed Throttle Time and you can choose reset parameters. Limit on all timers is 327 seconds.
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