by adam7 on Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:22 pm
I used to have a similar setup using a Innovate LC1 and found that to get Quick lambda etc to work you needed:
M400 Input Pins Setup:
Channel Name: Lambda 1 (or Lambda2)
Input Lamda 1( or 2)
calibration: #39 Lambda MoTeC PLM or AFM1
You can actually use any AV input too, but the resolution on the LaX inputs is higher.
The Innovate should be setup to output a voltage range and voltage2AFR mapping as per the MoTec PLM. So download the manual and check it out - I cant remember what it was, but *think* its:
0V - 0.5 Lambda
5V - 1.75 Lambda
You should be fine with the M400 using one or more external Lambda controllers (eg Motec PLM, LTC, Innovate LC-1s or similar). My understanding is that the licence upgrade you can buy for the M400 is limited to one INTERNAL lambda controller.
A basic M400 should be fine with say a narrow band on La1 and you Innovate on La2, or even just the Innovate unit.
Tip, pay attention to the power GND and signal GND connections.
ps - now using a Motec