by TunedByShaneT on Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:03 pm
Aux V DP is actually a status from the ECU even though it is reported as a fault. It simply means that the value from the Aux Volt channel contains a D ecimal P oint. This is not part of your problem.
If the engine is running lean you need to be able to determine whether it is being caused by the ECU or something external. If you dont have a fuel pressure gauge or sensor now - I would install one and make sure the fuel pressure is being maintained during the problem.
The program in the ECU will not "wear out" so if it was right before and its not right anymore - something changed. Usually its something mechanical like a plugged fuel filter. If not then some sensor is probably lying to the ECU causing it to under fuel the engine.
Shane Tecklenburg
Technical Consultant
ST Consulting
21602 Surveyor Circle
Huntington Beach, CA 92646