by MSIMARD on Fri May 15, 2009 12:41 pm
I thought you were following my other thread to get your answer. We both have a 60-2 mag ref and hall sync. I used mode # 73. The 7 part means a 60-2 and single sync signal. The 3 part means falling/rising sensors, it's documented in the F1 help section but it's a multi level F1 help menu so you could miss it.
Next step is to set your crip to tell the M4 where TDC is. Start with the approximate angle from the missing teeth to TDC and then use a timing light to set the final crip number with the crip testing page. Add 360° to the number if you suspect you're firing on the wrong cycle. My missing teeth are 61° from TDC, the crip is 421°.
Does that help?