by Apex Speed Tech on Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:30 pm
I have recommended and continue to recommend Dell Lattitude D600 series laptops. In our office, we've had 2 D600's, and 2 D630's, plus a slightly cheaper and larger D510. Built in serial ports, options for up to 9 hours of internal batteries in a midize package. Simply put, they are great modern laptops that continue to offer built-in DB9 serial ports.
Over 5 years with 100's of days of race track support, dyno days, TSA screening and who knows what else, only 1 of these has been retired - my original D600, and its hard drive still lives on in a USB-enclosure on one of our servers.
Neel Vasavada
Apex Speed Technology
2931 S. Sepulveda Blvd Suite F
Los Angeles, CA 90064