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injector max duty error now loggs below

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:04 am
by imi
haaa seems like im the only 1 using this part of the forum lol
my tuning was going all good untill i got a max injector error from my logs my duty is only 84% and the error happens
i have looked into the settings all i can think is mabe my injector set up is incorrect
but it makes no scene i have put muy 2 log files in below
can the warning alarm be increased to like 87 or 88% duty ? and how can this be done ... or.ld?dl=0 ... or.ld?dl=0

Re: injector max duty error now loggs below

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:43 am
by AdamW
The duty cycle error is fixed at about 85% on a M4. When you factor in opening and closing times etc that is the common practical limit for most injectors.
I really don't understand your logic however: You have an alarm warning you that the ECU cant put any more fuel into the engine but you want to ignore/disable this and keep on pushing it instead of fixing the problem?? Wouldn't it be better to fix the issue by increasing fuel pressure or a bigger injector etc?

Re: injector max duty error now loggs below

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:30 pm
by imi
Thats perfect m8 thanks i thort mabe i had set the alarm
Low when i set it up (would explain why i cant find duty alarm setting)
Will increase pressure then give it a go thanks for your help