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DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:42 am
by senordos
I have purchased an old laptop. I'm techy so have played around with this for a good while now but I am flumaxed.
I can:
1. Get it to work with Motec, reading values etc, using USB to Com converter on basic WinXP, but the graphics on the "G" mode for fuel / ign won't show text properly - I assume because of the widescreen.
2. Get it to work with DosBox - graphics all lovely - but it refuses to communicate with Motec. I just get a lot of com port errors. I've tried the change to setup Com4 as per the only other post I can find on here, but interested in anyone's experiences here.
So... if there's an alternative graphics driver to try (note: safe mode on XP also doesn't work), or some way to configure DosBox (I know not really Motec related)... then would really appreciate your ideas!
Also, I notice that the M84 works on Windows... Mr Motec - is there a way to make the M4 work with the M84 software?
Thanks for any thoughts!
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:16 pm
by AdamW
Post up your dosbox.conf file and I'll take a look at your settings (you might have to put it inside a zip file for the forum to accept it). Also look in your PC's device manager and let me know what com port number is assigned to your usb adapter.
The garbled text on the map graph view is something I have encounted before, I think it is rare issue with a certain chipset or graphics driver. I've only seen it once on a old IBM laptop and nothing I tried would fix it. All of my current PC's display the graphs fine.
The M84 is about 20years newer than the M4 so there is no chance you will ever get that software to work. I also doubt Motec would ever consider wasting any resources modifying software to work with a now obsolete ECU.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:44 am
by senordos
Thanks Adam,
I've attached the file... it's NOT a zip, I just changed the file extension, so needs changing back to .conf
I thought the M84 was related to the looks suspiciously similar! I've not read anything about the architecture though so no idea what's inside.
Anyway, appreciate any thoughts you have on my USB to COM issues in DosBox.
Interestingly, the graphics work fine on DosBox, just not on straight WinXP. Something works somewhere.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:21 pm
by mstech
The M48 looks the same as a M4, as it is essentially the same hardware with more injector drivers and less ignition outputs, the M84 is based on the Mx00 series ECU's and is essentially a reduced featured M800.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:42 pm
by AdamW
Try attached .conf (change extension back to .conf). This assumes your usb adapter is assigned to Com4 in XP device manager. Also after starting the Motec EMP, hit F5 and set comport to COM1, it seems more reliable than "auto".
I have never used dosbox with a usb>serial adapter (always had real com ports) but dont see any reason why it shouldnt work.
senordos wrote:I thought the M84 was related to the looks suspiciously similar! I've not read anything about the architecture though so no idea what's inside.
As Mstech mentioned, I think you might be confusing the M48 with the M84. M48 uses the same dos interface as the M4.
senordos wrote:Interestingly, the graphics work fine on DosBox, just not on straight WinXP. Something works somewhere.
This is because dosbox uses emulated hardware - not the actual hardware that your laptop has inside.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:47 am
by senordos
Thanks Adam,
I'll have to wait until the weekend before I can plug it into the car and see if it works. Will let you know.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:04 am
by senordos
Getting closer. With your settings (I only changed com4 to com3 for the real port) the EMP could see the Motec "ECU Connected", however when I press adjust, it starts the download but then doesn't go any further.
I am getting the error message (see attached) in DoxBox prior to opening the Motec software, but it stops showing when it's running: Serial1: Errors: Framing 0, Parity 0, Overrun RX:4604 (IF0:0), TX:0, Break 0
I also noticed it seemed slower once the com port was connected, so I suspect it's dealing with some errors somewhere.
Any further thoughts, or is it time to get (another) new laptop?
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:59 pm
by AdamW
it looks like Dosbox is not happy with your USB>serial adapter. Some buffering or flow control issues maybe?
I would first try a different adapter since they are cheap. There are only two common usb>RS232 chipset brands, FTDI & Prolific. Look in device manager to see what type your existing adapter is then go out and buy the other type and give that a try. Ebay is an easy way to search for one with a known chipset.
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Tue Oct 28, 2014 12:44 am
by Turby
I messed around for ages trying to get it to work on W7 machine. In the end I bought a second hand Dell D620 which has a proper D9 serial comes connector and runs Windows XP. Never looked back since!
Re: DosBox Com Port OR WinXP Graphics
Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:24 pm
by senordos
Well, I've bought an FTDI adapter, so will give that a try at the weekend, otherwise I think I'll be looking for another laptop. Will let you know!