no worries mate
i just simply put -101 in and it now shows all my logs exactly what i wish to see , it also matches my dyno logs as well , to a degree as dyno is not the same as track
I just made a new channel , and from the kpa original setting i subtracted that -101 figure from it ,it then shows what i chose to display ie psi kpa bar , all in my "gauge" style readings
The original ecu setting being kpa absolute , and i set the maths channel to display psi , so in the large box in the maths channel i just typed -101 after the original kpa setting
Ive also kept the original kpa chanell as well, dunno why but you guys are spooking me with your cyclone talk
, spose in due time i will learn how it all relates
Im racing at the track tomorrow , its our 40th annual western nationals , its the biggest drag event in our state
, im also excited as i figured out how to make a real two step boost building setup, now instead of just relying on the dual rpm to limit my launch revs , i have a overrun boost/anti lag setup as well , it now bangs and flames it butt off and actually gets me 12 psi on the limiter before launching
Ill see if i can break something in my driveline for you guys